I saw this 👆🏼quote on my Pinterest feed today. I think it's so true. If you love yourself enough, you will want to work harder to give yourself a better future. Karena hasil kerja keras lo untuk siapa? Untuk diri lo sendiri. Untuk orang-orang yang lo sayang. For me, there are 5 things that I want to work harder on:
1. Work to prioritize what matters most to you
It could be anything, really. God. More sleep. Parents. More me-time. Family. Your self-growth. Freedom. This is like, your why. When you know why you are doing this, especially when you've declared: "OK ini prinsip hidup ogut", then chances are you'll stick to it like those Gorilla Glue on hair. You'll fight tooth and nail to prioritize this thing. And I think this goes without saying, but — for the love of God — please prioritize something that will improve your life. Awas nanti lo tumpah dari angkot kalo prioritasin nonton Netflix atau main game tanpa tujuan
2. Work to have a better relationship with your significant other
Kenapa emak-bapak pada ribet banget kalo nyuruh anaknya cari jodoh? Kenapa kita harus mikirin bibit bebet bobot? Karena pasangan lo akan sangat amat berpengaruh dalam hidup lo. I'm not exaggerating here, but I believe that our life partner can make or break our lives. Segitunya. Jadi bener deh, proses milih teman hidup bukan sesuatu yang bisa kita lakuin asal-asalan.
Banyak kebiasaan pasangan lo yang akan lo pick up (and vv) and y'all will also share a vibe. A vibe. I don't know about you, but I am sure as hell can't stand anyone with negative vibe. It drains me. Itu baru milih pasangan yak — staying in a relationship with another person for a long time is another story. It takes work to maintain a relationship. And if the other person brings good influence on you, then this is work that is SO worth it to do. Please take time to get to know each other's love language and (you know it) act upon it.
I approve the use of food as love language ✨ moderately ✨ |
3. Work to eat healthy and exercise daily
Yup yup yup. Gak bosen-bosen selalu gw bilang karena memang sepenting itu. Kita mulai selalu dari sendiri. A healthy body. A healthy mind. A healthy vibe. Omigosh ngomongin gini aja gw ngerasa vibe gw langsung jadi high banget. Kalo lo pernah manifesting pasti familiar deh — you can literally feel it in your body. Gak suka sayur? Mulai dari coldpress juices. Campur buah-buahan biar manis dan most pulp nya juga udah gak ada. Tiap makan aim to have a balance nutrition; there should be differing kinds of foods in certain quantities and proportions so that the requirement for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and alternative nutrients is adequate. Olahraga apalagi! Gak ada alasan untuk gak olahraga — jalan kaki 10 menit yang super lincah aja lo udah bisa keringetan. Make time for yourself. YES of course YOU CAN.
4. Work to get to know your mind
Lo tau kan lo akan menghabiskan waktu paling banyak sama diri lo sendiri? Nope, not with your spouse. Yourself. Which means, gak kebayang nyiksa-nya kaya apa kalo self-talk kita negatif mulu. Meskipun mungkin pas kita masih kecil, kita gak diajarin gimana sih caranya proses emosi yang bener? Or how to navigate through these life challenges? Jadi tenang bae, tydak ada kata terlambat untuk belajar. Mulai dari sekarang! I highly recommend daily meditation practice for this one. Two guidance here and here. Yuk pasti bisa luangin waktu 5-10 menit untuk diem sejenak, and take a break from your own mind. You deserve it. You've made it this far. You're doing great. Keep going, babe.
5. Work to save $$$$
This could be either building a side hustle, living below your means.. or both. Like it or not ya kita emang butuh duit to survive. We rely on other people, and the best way to exchange good and services as per tahun 2021 ya pake duit. Finansial ini pasti jadi prioritas banyak orang. Tapi nih yaa gw mau ingetin.. Intinya jangan lupa lo cari duit untuk siapa? Untuk apa? Misal, untuk ajak jalan-jalan keluarga. Terus kalo udah tercapai, how does that make you feel? Ecstatic, right? Focus on that feeling there. Kalo lo belom pernah lakuin ini sebelumnya... Congrats, you just did a real quick manifesting 😎 Intinya dengan hidup sewajarnya, nabung, dan invest $$$ lo sudah melakukan apa yang lo bisa to ensure that your future self will have something to hold on to (thy emergency fund). So pay yourself first, always.
Remember, you gotta protect your future at all cost.
This is you in the future, thanking your present self for SAVING $$$ |
Now as you can see, semuanya "work." Gw gak sugar coating dimari. Kerja. Emangnya nyempetin waktu buat tidur siang lebih banyak pas weekdays bukan kerja? 😏 Ya meskipun pasti untuk beberapa orang ada poin yang berasa kaya main aja bukan kerja.. Tapi sebenernya semuanya sama: it takes work and time to build a good life — a life you're happy with, a life you can be proud of. Lemme repeat that in quote form:
It takes work and time to build a good life — a life you're happy with, a life you can be proud of.
Dan kalo lo fans-nya James Clear, you know what I have to say to end this post, right? 😉 Kalo kita jatuh cinta sama prosesnya, kita bahkan gak usah bikin target — do the thing, and it will all fall into its place, inshaAllah.
Work harder because you love and respect yourself, so much so that you want to improve your quality of life. Isn't that the ultimate form of self-love?
Thanks for reading, and let's work on something meaningful today ♥
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